General Translation
General Translation
Translation of non-specialized texts.
Emails, recommendation letters, resumes, cover letters, informative articles,
journalistic texts, information brochures, social media texts, etc.

Each day, we write a multitude of texts. From emails, recommendation letters, resumes and cover letters, to informative articles, information brochures and texts for blogs and social media. For the most part, these are non-specialized texts about common domain topics, and with little or no technical and terminological complexity; but that does not mean they are any less important. These are the kind of texts that fall under the General Translation umbrella.
Even though these texts usually deal with subjects widely understood by the general public, a good professional translation is key to transfer the message effectively into the target language. Using the right register, going for a natural and idiomatic language, and organically adapting the content of the text are all things to bear in mind when translating these texts.
At The Good Translator we include in this translation category all texts of a general nature; in other words, non-specialized texts without too much technical jargon.
Does what you want to translate match this description? Contact us!