Culinary Translation
Culinary Translation
Translation of texts about food and cooking.
cooking shows, culinary magazines and blogs, etc.

Gastronomy is a big part of the culture of any country. Each national cuisine has its products, its typical dishes and its characteristic flavors. Therefore, when faced with the task of translating culinary texts, retaining its cultural essence is crucial. Restaurant menus, recipe books and videos, culinary magazines and blogs, among other similar texts, make use of culinary translation to get its message across to consumers from different cultures.
Culinary translation falls under the umbrella of specialized translation, since the translator has to have extensive and specific knowledge of the different foods, the products and the culinary terms, as well as the general cultural aspects from both languages. The goal is to offer a translation adapted to a specific audience, so that it can be understood without any problems. In order to achieve that, the translator has to go beyond translation. The reason is that culinary texts usually have many untranslatable terms, which require the use of detailed descriptions to make up for them.
At The Good Translator we include in this translation category all texts revolving around food and cooking.
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